About the Company
Turf Infill was started when we saw a gap in the synthetic turf infill market directly sourcing solely EPDM crumb for its clients and projects. We are based in North East where the forefront of rubber crumb toxicity made its name heard early in the 2000’s. Reports of disease and chemical leaching led us to pursue a sustainable, cost-effective route of operations where we knew we could make a lasting impact. Through various connections, research, and development efforts, we have created an infill solution to meet multiple applications. We are here to help keep everyone playing on a safe, reliable, and economic infill system. We are Turf Infill.

Built on the Environment
Rubber is a substance used across industries and economies but the methods of creating rubber crumb are quite detrimental to our earth and health. Most rubber crumb comes from shredded car tires which contain harmful chemicals created during their manufacturing processes. The chemicals used to press, coat, thread, and add to the longevity of tires produce harsh compounds which are not suitable for safe turf infill. However, because it is a cost-effective option, some suppliers forego safety for better pricing. Our focus is built entirely off EPDM rubber, an environmentally sound option with a competitive price structure.

Built on Science
EPDM rubber, scientifically known as ethylene propylene diene monomer rubber, is a longer lasting, greater weather resistant option to rubber crumb. It is used throughout the world for bungee cords, electrical gaskets, car door jams, and more. The polymer is so well built against UV and weathering corrosion, it is even used for roofing. Being extremely versatile, it works well in temperate climates and does not freeze or crack under extreme cold. More than that, however, is EPDM is leach resistant. This ensures that wildlife around turf fields remains healthy, kids playing and sliding remain safe, and the air remains breathable. It is the ideal turf infill option.

Built on Safety
Because turf fields can become so hot during sunny days, it is imperative toxic chemicals do not seep out of the infill spread across the pitch. Avoiding such an outcome was one of our missions pillars when we started Turf Infill. Rubber crumb was quickly discarded due to its various problems and we stumbled upon EPDM not long after. Having done our research on every article and report we could get our hands on, we saw that this was the solution to provide an effective, safe product. And just as good for our clients is the resilience of the material. Highly resistant to abrasion wear, it is nearly created specifically for the necessities of turf infill.